Farge: Anthracite
Lengde: 12,2 meter.
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Ideal for players looking for a maximum of spin potential and power.
Heptagonal, twisted co-poly string for highest level of spin potential.
Made from elastic co-polyester material

#1 string in power and tension stability during play (Playtest of spin strings 2014 by German tennisMAGAZIN). #2 string in spin potential. Overall rating: GOOD.

Achieves an extra ordinary satisfaction score of 93% among players of the leading tennis string community (www.stringforum.net; 68 ratings; status August 2019).
Results of Stringingpedia lab test (1.25mm): Spin: 95/100 points / Power: 90/100 points / static tension maintenance: 85/100 points source: www.stringingpedia.com
My Tennis blog’s string test reinforces the excellent performance of the string. It achieves rank # 2 ahead of well known competitive brands.